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Building quality at scale (2014-2018)

After five years of leading the quest to enhance access to insurance, the Facility is embarking on a new journey. We are refocusing our efforts to accelerate the adoption of good practices by key stakeholders to dramatically expand access to better insurance services. This strategy involves three primary sets of activities:

  1. Intensive country initiative: In selected countries, the Facility will engage with stakeholders to catalyse their microinsurance efforts. Through training and consulting services, policy dialogue and consumer education, we will stimulate market development and promote public-private partnerships.
  2. Capacity building programme: We will leverage our renowned knowledge management portal to repackage the lessons and experiences of the Facility’s current and future innovation partners into capacity building tools. These tools will support the intensive country initiative and be used by “multipliers”, such as insurance institutes and consultants, in other geographies.
  3. Innovation laboratory: There remain many questions about designing and delivering relevant insurance services for the low-income market. The Facility will partner with a dozen leading microinsurers and support their efforts to experiment with alternative approaches, including leveraging technology to enhance client value.

Through these activities, the ILO will directly and indirectly reduce the vulnerability of more than 100 million low-income persons over the next five years. The estimated budget for this “Quality at Scale” programme is US$25 million. We are currently looking to diversify our funding sources for this ambitious next phase.